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Process Log - Table Build

Eliza Kroll


The first part of this project was unloading the wood and sandpaper from Professor Ruby's car. The next step was to get our wood and decide on the dimensions of our tables. To be completely honest, I did not have a huge plan for what my table would look like; I just went with my gut instincts. The first thing I cut was the legs of the table, which are approximately 11 inches in height. Next, I cut the table skirt, which was about 23 inches long. Nell helped me cut these pieces with the chop saw. We measured the first piece and then used it as a guide for the subsequent legs and skirt of the table. Next, I cut the biscuit joins for the legs and the skirt panels. I then glued it together, put a biscuit in the joins, and clamped it together. After it dried, I did it again to the other legs and formed the base of my table. Unfortunately, half of the table fell off as I sanded it with a belt sander, so I had to re-glue it together and clamp it. I began working on the top of my table. I used three pieces of wood to create the top of my table. I cut three biscuit joins in each section, added a basic cut, glued everything down, and then clamped it together. I belt sanded the top after it dried, and then I used the orbital sander to smooth out the rest of the joins and the top. I re-sanded the base with the belt and orbital sander without falling apart. I cut three biscuit joins on all four sides of both the base and the top. I added the biscuts to all of the joins and glued it all together. I added boards and clamps to keep it from warping while it dried. Because I could not wipe all of the excess wood glue off the wood due to the clamps, I spent a great deal of time scrapping dried wood glue off of the table with a flathead screwdriver. I used the belt sander on the table to help remove the glue, and then I used the orbital sander to remove the rest of it.


For the table, I used Whitewood, which Professor Nell Ruby purchased from a hardware store. I also used biscuits and wood glue to attach segments of the table together.


The main struggle I had with this piece was when it fell apart when I sanded it. This was because I had not used enough glue. I learned from this mistake and I made sure to use liberal amounts of glue for the rest of the project.

Equipment I Learned How To Use

During this project, I learned to use a chop saw, a biscuit cutter, an orbital sander, and a belt sander.

Plans for the Future

In the future, I plan on possibly staining and sealing my table so it does not rot. I have also been thinking about creating small hidden paintings on the wood for viewers to find. I have also been thinking about crocheting yarn booties for the table.

Process Photos

Final Product

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